Thursday, June 26, 2003

Speaking of preachers, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, here in town, has appointed Paige Patteron as president. Texas Monthly used to call him the conservative revolutionary. Liberal Baptists across the state must be weeping and gnashing their teeth, for Patterson was one of the front line warriors in the conservative take over of the Southern Baptist Convention. But, although he worked from Texas, he didn't win Texas. The Liberal wing of the convention is firmly in control in Texas. This nomination certainly says "they have the state but we have the seminary".

One interesting comment early on was that the new president must have the qualification of getting along with the faculty. Given the recent actions of the seminary administration toward the faculty, that comment should have been delivered with tongues firmly planted in cheeks.

So, the "rank and file" will watch see how this contributes to the impending split between the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Southern Baptistic Convention. Although denomination leaders do not want to admit it, that split will cause great difficulty in some churches, for some of them have divided congregations. There are even families with divided loyalties. It is a little reminiscent of the Civil War, with families and friends splitting over which side to choose.

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