Thursday, April 22, 2004

TASTELESS III. Hey, isn't today "Earth Day"? I'm not sure what that means, but I meant to wear Birkenstock sandals today and hug a tree. Instead I spent all day inside at meetings, driving my old truck, and drinking Diet Coke. Are any of those Earth Day activities? They're not are they. I should have gone to a rally somewhere, sat on the grass and listened to folk music. Especially folk music by old people. OK, I'm thinking of Mary Travers from Peter, Paul, and Mary. I saw them on TV. They looked old. I'm hoping they are older than me and look it. But, it makes it more spiritual if the folk singers are old. I think that is because it makes people long for the '60s. Especially if they are too young to have known the "60s. But it was cool to be radical then, wasn't it? I mean, they had their own music.

Now, Peter Paul and Mary would play at Starbucks and drink latte. Wear sunglasses indoors. But, it wouldn't be the same.

Hey, what if they found out that Starbucks' coffee was made in sweat shops by Honduran women. Do you think people would quit drinking it? Would Kathy Lee Gifford be their spokesperson? Nah.

Let's sing some folk songs. I feel earthy.

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