Saturday, August 11, 2007


We left Louisville and flew home Thursday night. It was good to see the Seminary Daughter and the Son-In-Law. They are doing well, I think. He is working and supporting them. How old fashioned, huh. She is keeping their home and going to school. They are still lovey dovey, which is good after almost a year. You can follow their exploits at their blog, The Lewisi. Links don't appear to be working on Blogger right now, or I would include the link.

We flew home after spending a lot of time being really warm in the airport and the plane. Louisville does not seem prepared for real heat. All of the restaurants and shops we went to were warm and the airport was really warm. Then, we sat on the plane with the air conditioning not working until getting in the air. Note to American Airlines: that is not fun. It got really hot sitting there, and it concerns the passengers when the pilot does not come on and say why we are not leaving, especially when the flight attendant is standing with her ear to the cockpit door.

Fortunately, the plane cooled off and DFW airport was nicely air conditioned. It was about 100 when we arrived, pretty normal for August in Fort Worth.

So, it was back to the grind, mowing the yard, trimming the bushes (whose idea was landscaping anyway?), cleaning house and running errands.

I always tell my kids "welcome to adulthood" when they complain about the responsibilities they now have.

I had to tell myself that several times yesteday and today.

Whose idea was adulthood anyway?

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