Saturday, January 20, 2007

Michael Haykin has an interesting post on the responsibility of theologians to communciate with the rest of the world of faith. Here is the money quote: "If God has called a person to a life of theological scholarship, such a person has a responsibility before God to “communicate lucidly” with the church. And also to recognize that he is responsible to the church for his doctrine and thought."

While faith cannot be intellectualized, the greater problem for evangelicals, and Southern Baptists, is an anti-intellectual mode that shies away from deep thinking. This creates a real gap between the seminary and the lay person. I really believe one of the jobs of the pastor\teacher is to impart theology to the laity. We get lots of practical living tips loosely based on scripture in today's preaching, but precious little theology or doctrine. As a result, few Baptist lay persons have much of a grasp of basic doctrine and are easily influenced by non-orthodox thought and writing that appears in much popular Christian literature. You cannot lament the ignorance of the people if you don't teach them.

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