Friday, October 07, 2016

Take It To The Lord - Isaiah 37

When Israel was threatened with destruction by the commander of the Assyrian army, King Hezekiah took the matter straight to the Lord. (Isaiah 37) He went to the temple to pray and he talked to God’s man, the prophet. 

The Lord’s first words, spoken through the prophet Isaiah, were “Do not be afraid”. He went on to tell Hezekiah how the Lord would take care of the problem and protect Jerusalem from destruction.

The enemy told Hezekiah he could not trust God because he was not sufficiently powerful to defeat the Assyrian army. But Hezekiah did trust and the Lord did defeat the Assyrians.
Many of us have, or will, face adversities to powerful for us to fight. Sometimes it seems that temptation to sin is so great we cannot possibly prevail. Illness may scare us. Politics and government seem out of control or under the control of the evil one.

There are two questions you must answer. First, does God care about me? Second, does God have the power to deliver me?

One reason we have all the stories of the Bible are to show his people he cared. God protected Noah and his family from the destruction of the world by water. You likely will not face an issue that overwhelming. God delivered Israel repeatedly. All of these stories tell us of a God who cares. And, in case you did not get the point, Peter tells us specifically, to cast our anxieties on the Lord because he cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)

The Bible also resonates with demonstrations of God’s mighty power. He created all things. He delivered the Israelites from Egypt. He defeated the Assyrian army. Knowledge of God’s word is knowledge of God and his mighty power
I can never say “I know what you are going through” even when I sympathize with your struggles. But I can say I know God. He cares. He is powerful. You can trust him.

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