Thursday, January 30, 2020



Abraham and Lot lived together after they left Ur for Canaan.  They were, however, very different people. Lot chose where to live by sight. He looked at the land and saw that it had a lot of water, which was good for his cattle and sheep.

Abraham, in contrast, went where the Lord directed him. He went in obedience and he went in faith. When the Lord told him to go to Canaan, he went. When, the Lord said he would give the land to him, but it would not be fully realized for 400 years, Abraham believed him.

The outcome of each man’s approach is also clear. Lot ended up living in a city of corruption. He would have died if Abraham had not saved him. Abraham, in contrast, lived in faith, became wealthy, and became the progenitor of a great people. And, the Lord counted Abraham’s faith as righteousness.

Abraham’s faith also began the process that would bring a savior to the world, become a blessing for all peoples, not just Abraham’s descendants.

How do you live? “Seeing is believing” or “walking by faith”. God desires and rewards our faith.

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