Sunday, March 22, 2020



This psalm teaches us to look only to God in times of trouble. We see this emphasis in the use of the words “alone” and “only” applied to God 4 times in the first six verses.

The Declaration

The psalmist declared that he waited only for God, because God is the only source of salvation and the only one who is a rock that will not be moved.

God is the only one big enough that no one can move him or defeat him. He is called the rock to declare his permanence and power, as a giant rock that no one can move.

When you think of a rock, you might think of the Rock of Gibraltar, that 1,400 foot tall limestone outcrop at the southern tip of the nation of Gibraltar. It has always been a symbol of strength and something that cannot be moved.

The psalmist was thinking of some rock, so big it was impossible to contemplate moving, giving protection to those who hid behind it. God is even bigger, and cannot be moved by people, or events, or other powers.

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, declared that “all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand…”. (Daniel 4:35)

Nebuchadnezzar learned that lesson the hard way, after God made him live like a beast until he acknowledged God’s power over him.

Therefore, you can rest in him, and he will guard your faith and give you strength.  The psalmist said he waited in silence. His faith was strong, he made his pleas to God, and he did not whine or cry about it. That is a strong faith.

In fact, the psalmist said he would not be greatly shaken. This is a timely word for us today, as the virus spreads around the world. Most places are closed to gatherings, many people are sick, and many more are worried. The psalmist would tell you to wait for the Lord and you will not be shaken. God is in control.

The Attack

These verses describe the attacks faced by the psalmist. He was battered and tottering on his feat like a leaning fence or wall. This is a person who has suffered many blows. His enemies plan to remove him from his position. (4) They speak lies. They act like they are blessing him to his face, but, behind his back, or silently, they are cursing him. The enemies are hypocrites and liars. And they enjoy it.

I am not minimizing the difficulty of having such enemies. I personally have and have had enemies who told lies about me to remove me from my position, while acting like friends to my face. It hurts. And it is scary. Only by waiting for the Lord’s salvation and having faith in him can we avoid being destroyed by such people.

The Declaration Restated

In these verses, the psalmist restated his faith in words very nearly the same as verses 1 and 2. He repeated that he waited only for God, who is the only rock, salvation, and fortress. These are all metaphors for God’s protection. The psalmist would look nowhere else. As a result, he would not be shaken. Calvin wrote “Never, as he had said, will he frustrate the patient waiting of his saints”.

The Plea

The psalmist urged the congregation to trust God at all times. The implication is to trust, not just in good times, but also in bad times. Trusting during bad times is really the manifestation of faith.

The psalmist told them to pour our their hearts to God who is their refuge. Do you have worries and anxieties? Pour our your heart to God and ask for his help, believing he hears and cares. The God of the psalmist is your God; he is the same God the psalmist trusted. This message is repeated over and over throughout the Bible.

Do Not Trust in Other Things

In these verses, the psalmist goes to the negative. He lists things we should not trust. In verse 9, he said that it did not matter if we are rich or poor, we have no power in ourselves apart from God. We are “lighter than a breath”. (9) Riches will not save us and neither will extortion or robbery to obtain them. Even if your riches increase, you should not set your heart on them.

God is the Sovereign

The psalmist said God had spoken to say he can and will carry out his will in the world. He said that “power belongs to God”.

One of God’s attributes is omnipotence. He has unlimited power. No one is more powerful.

God identified himself to Abraham saying “I am God Almighty”. (Genesis 17:1) The Old Testament repeatedly refers to God as almighty. So, power belongs to God.

This stands to reason as well. If God created the universe, including our planet, and everything in it, he has to be more powerful than the universe. The creator is more powerful than the creation.

In our time, it is common to reduce our perception of God’s power. Many people want to see God as a buddy, a big brother, or a Santa-like figure. Everyone wants to see God as loving, but not necessarily powerful. Powerful is scary.

Although God has been gracious to condescend to a relationship with those who believe in him, he has not lost his power.  Yes, God keeps his promises, his covenants, with steadfast love. He gives believers eternal life, his presence, and his everlasting love. But he does these things, not just in love, but in power. So, in love and in unlimited power, he gives us salvation and eternal life.

Also, because God is omnipotent, he has the power and authority to judge men and women. That is one reason people want to think only of God’s love. They think it means he will not judge.

Verse 12 says “for you (God) will render to a man according to his work”. A person’s work shows what his faith is and who the object is.

These who attacked the psalmist had faith in their riches and their manipulations. The implication is that God will judge them and they will be punished.

In contrast, the psalmist believes God and shows it by his unshaken faith and ability to wait on God. God will judge him and save him out of the steadfast love he has for those who believe in him.

Take some time this week to reflect on who God is. Be consoled by the fact that God is sufficient. He can quiet your heart and mind and give you rest.

He is sovereign and in control, even now. He wants you to trust him and wait for him.

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