Sunday, August 15, 2021




Jesus Prays For Those Who Will Believe

Jesus not only prayed for the disciples, but for all who would follow in their footsteps believing in Jesus. He prayed that they would be unified, that they would be “one” and have the same union and unity as do God the Father and God the Son. In that unity they will show the lost that God loves those who believe in him and sent the Son for their salvation. 

This unity is supposed to be so strong as to be unexplainable by the world, leading the world to see that it only arises through and in Christ. 

Jesus has given us his glory in that he has revealed to believers his and the Father’s perfect and holy character. It is the knowledge of the Father and Son that unite us believers. 

This is complicated for us by those who claim to be Christians, but do not believe the gospel as handed down by the apostles. So, we do not give up the gospel for unity, as some ecumenical movements have done. Rather, in the truth of the Gospel, we love each other and live in unity. 

Jesus also prayed that believers would be allowed to be with Jesus in heaven, where he is. (24) He prayed that they would be able to see his glory that he had before the foundation of the world. That is our destiny as believers, to be with Jesus in heaven and to see his glory. It is part of our reward.

This will be wonderful for us, to see the one we have believed in and followed radiate with glory. His glory will be so magnificent that, in the new earth, there will be no need of sun or moon to shine, “for the glory of God gives it light and its lamp is the Lamb”. (Revelation 21:23) 

In contrast to believers, Jesus said the world does not know the Father. (25) He calls him “righteous Father”, which implies that those who do not know him are not righteous. And, if he is righteous, he has the right to judge the unrighteous. 

Also, in contrast to those in the world that do not know the Father, believers do know the Father because Jesus has made him known and will continue to make him known. (25) He will do this so that the same love with which the Father loves Jesus will be in us. 

So, we see that believers should manifest their knowledge of the Father, the unity that only comes through faith in Christ, and the love the Father has for us. 

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