Monday, March 17, 2025


 Living Sacrifice


Chapter 12 begins a shift of topic in Romans, as Paul transitions from the theology of salvation to Christian living. It is an application of his theology to daily life.

Having established that salvation comes, not from works, but as a matter of God’s grace and mercy, Paul tells us how we should live in light of such mercy.

We are to present our bodies to God as a living sacrifice. But, “bodies” here mean our whole selves, not just our physical bodies. We see this because Paul speaks of our minds in verse 2. 

The word “present” is used in conjunction with offering a sacrifice. In the Old Covenant, animal sacrifices were required. A person would present the animal to the priest, who would kill the animal and offer it, or parts of it, by burning it on the altar.

We present ourselves to God as a sacrifice, but a living one. We live holy lives that are acceptable to God. How do we know what is acceptable to God? By studying his word, we see all the places where he tells us what we are to do and what we are to refrain from doing. Since God is holy, we are to be holy. (1 Peter 1:16)  The best evidence of conversion is tuning from sin. 

From the Old Covenant moral law to the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, we see the behaviors and attitudes that please God and the ones that do not. For example, Jesus said we are to love each other. (John 13:34)

Living a life that is holy is our spiritual worship. We live holy lives to please God, but also to reflect God’s character to others. To do so is worship. It is spiritual service, not a mechanical observance of ritual. 

Living a holy life requires a transformation of our mind. We are not to conform to the thinking and standards of the world. (2) We have been changed from the darkness of the world to the light of Christ. (Ephesians 5:8) But this is always a work in progress . 

The world constantly tries to seduce or intimidate us into conformity with its thinking. So, we must constantly seek transformation by faith and the spiritual disciplines. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18) 

The renewal of our mind comes with the work of the Holy Spirit in our life, our reading of God’s word, and our prayer life. With this renewal of mind comes discernment. We become able to discern what God accepts. This is part of the process of sanctification. “And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:17)

Humility In Judgment And Service


We are not to think more highly of ourselves than is warranted. Humility is frequently mentioned in the Bible and pride is often condemned. Self examination requires sober, or serious, judgment. We look at ourselves honestly.

If we claim a gift we do not have, from ulterior motives, we are not using sober judgment. Likewise, if we deny our gifts or claim to have nothing to offer, we do not use sober judgment. 

The context for Paul’s admonition is our spiritual gifts and our service to the church. This is in accordance with the amount of faith God has given us. 

Paul uses an analogy of the human body. Every body has many different parts. Each part has a different function that benefits the whole. (4) Similarly, each believer belongs to the body of Christ and to each of the other members. We belong to each other. (5) I am a member of you and you are a member of me. 

In this body, each member has a gift given to us by God in his grace. (6) Each one should use his or her gift for the functions of the body and for the good of the body and for the good of all the other members. 

Paul lists some of the gifts as examples. If you have the gift of prophecy, then prophesy. Other gifts are serving, teaching, exhorting, giving (contributes), leading, and mercy. (6-8) All should be used for the benefit of the church.

You can read more about gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. 

A believer's mind is transformed to think like God rather than the world. This transformation should affect both our living for God and for each other. 

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