Tuesday, June 03, 2003

That Huffington woman must be right about the owners of SUVs being terrorists. In Michigan, a nude woman ran her SUV into an apartment complex, put it in reverse and backed into another one. She left the vehicle in the apartment and escaped on (bare) feet. She was probably from PETA and making a statement on animal rights by being nude. Or maybe someone in the complex was mistreating their cat. Or, maybe it was one of the Dixie Chicks, frustrated that their manager blocked the publication of their nude picture supporting PETA.

Speaking of problems up North, the state of Wisconsin is thinking of canceling their hotline to report guns in school. At a cost of $50,000 per year, they have received only 7 calls. Five of these have been pranks! At $50,000 per call, even your rabid anti-gun liberal has a problem justifying the program.

I think I found the largest misstatement of the day (outside the New York Times, of course). Rosaura Beristain was hit by a stool thrown out a sixth story window and ended up in the hospital. The hospital spokesman said "She was lucky." I've never considered myself lucky, but if this is lucky, I think I'll pass.

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