Thursday, July 08, 2004

BOARD TO DEATH. I just finished the world's longest board meeting. We have been at it since early this morning. We fed the board members lunch and dinner. Late in the afternoon, one of the board members said he thought the members did not get enough information from the staff and needed more meetings. Universal groans erupted and no further action was taken on that item. Fortunately, the session set for tomorrow was canceled.

Chalk up another 12 hour day for me. It sure cuts down on your free time. Actually, I'm in hour 13. The Little Woman is working, the Baby is on a trip, the College Girl is at college, and the Oldest is in Utah performing.

So, what's a tired fellow to do with himself? I think Starbucks is in order. I wonder what the largest one is that you can get. Maybe I should rent a movie. Also, I have several books that have come my way via Father's Day and other celebrations. Plus, I need to catch up on the news so I can blog more. OK, things are looking up.

See ya at Starbucks.

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