Thursday, April 03, 2008


First of all, congrats to SWBTS for lasting 100 years. I received my book today, a thick, color, smelly history of Southwestern. It must have been very expensive to produce.

I mean smelly literally. It smells. I advise reading it in an open space to avoid passing out. It may be the ink, but I read it in my office and began hallucinating that Paige Patterson had become a Calvinist and all was right with the world.

After noting the size and smell, I flipped through the book just looking to see what is there. It is arranged around each president. They did not leave out Russell Dilday.

The next thing I noticed is that Dorothy Patterson is the only woman listed in the school of theology. I could write something catty here, but I won't.

The last thing I noticed is that the chapel looks bigger than anything they could possible need over there.

1 comment:

Josh Orr said...

I think all I read at first was "paige patterson became a calvinist" and could have cried with joy.
But I was wrong. Life moves on and God reveals himself to those whom he choses