Monday, June 03, 2024


 Kingdom Conquests

8:1-6, 13-14

These verses tell us of Israel’s conquests with David as its leader. Israel defeated Moab. Moab became a tributary, paying tribute to David. 

David also defeated the Arabian kingdom of Zobah, which was located north of Israel and in the northwest of Syria. He took horsemen and foot soldiers from them. When the army of Damascus came to help, David also struck them down. He put garrisons (armed forts) there to help subject them.  They also paid tribute to David. David dedicated the gold and silver tribute to the Lord. They were later used in the construction of the temple or put in the temple treasury. 

David also defeated the Edomites and put garrisons there. All of the countries surrounding Israel were defeated and subjugated to Israel. The Lord gave these victories to David. David became powerful and wealthy. 

David’s Administration


David was not only a successful military leader, he ruled his people with justice and equity. Joab continued to be the leader of the army. Zadok and Ahimelech were priests. 

A group of Cherethites and Pelethites served as David’s bodyguards with Benaiah supervising them. 

David’s sons also served as priests in some fashion. We are not told what they did. But they were not in charge of the ark since they were not Levites. 

This is the close of the section on the rise of David. We see a kingdom restored under God’s chosen one, ruling in righteousness and justice. We see a kingdom at peace. And, we see things put in order under his administration. 

This kingdom is a type of the kingdom to come, when all is under the reign of David’s greater son, Jesus the Christ. The Father will subject every thing and every one to him. (Hebrews 2:8) Jesus will be highly exalted. (Philippians 2:9) 

Jesus rules in righteousness. (Hebrews 1:8) His enemies, and ours, are all defeated. (Hebrews 1:13) Justice will have come to all who opposed him. (Revelation 22:12) 

We will bask in his love. (Revelation 1:5) We, along with all the inhabitants of the new creation, will gladly worship him. (Revelation 22:3)

The church is also a type of the kingdom to come. That is why we should all work to unite our fellowship in worship of the Lord and love for each other, that people might look at us and get a glimpse of the kingdom. 

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