There are a lot of comedians in the U. S. Congress. Most of them try to hide it. Now, there is a genuine professional comedian who will be seated from the somewhat weird State of Minnesota.
The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled 5-0 today that Democrat Al Franken won the election to the Senate election by 312 votes. Republican incumbent Norm Coleman has conceded defeat. I guess Minnesotans needed a laugh. Isn't this the same state that elected a wrestler as governor?
Franken will be the 60th Democratic vote out of 100 Senators, preventing the possibility of any Republican filibuster. It’s going to be a long four years.
Franken trained for the Senate by working on Saturday Night Live. It must have been a hard job writing skits, because he has acknowledged using cocaine while working for the show. He says he no longer uses any illegal drugs.
I guess now he just makes a joke out of the Senate.