Friday, May 30, 2003

The economy is perking up a little. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 1.9% in the first quarter. The GDP measures the value of goods and services produced in the U.S. The Chicago Purchasing Management Index is up. The University of Michigan Gage of Consumer Confidence rose to 92.1 in May, the highest level in a year. The stock market was up today as a result of the news.

President Bush should know that, at dinner Wednesday night, my friend said he was buying a new television with his tax cut check. See, it’s already working.

Virginia Postrel at does a good job describing the myopia of the New York Times. Here’s a simple thought: you can’t be the national paper of record if what you print is not true. And, kudos to the Lufkin paper for dropping Maureen Dowd for the same reason – not telling the truth.

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