Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Iran has released 59 Iraqi soldiers who have been held since the Iran-Iraq war. The soldiers report torture and starvation. No word of condemnation yet from the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. Since Iran is one of the few really oppressive regimes not on the Commission, they might say something. But, probably not. With Sudan on the Commission, how could you complain? You can see why they were voted on: they practice slavery, dislocation, genocide, religious oppression, all the really good ones. The U.N. is a scary place. Like Iran.

Do you know what the head of the commission is called? The "High Commissioner"! Did you ever notice that the U.N. often sounds like a really cheesy club of neighborhood children making up grandiose names for themselves and their club? He couldn't just be called the chairman or commissioner? It reminds me of "Happy Days" on t.v. where the head of Mr. C's lodge was the Grand Poobah.

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