Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas is rocking along. Hope it is going well for you. The College Daughter, the Baby and I went to the Christmas Eve Candle Light Service last night. We used to do the service at midnight. I guess it was our nod to the Catholic Christmas Mass.

Protestants are ever practical, however, and so we realized it was hard on parents with young children. It took a few years, but the deacons finally noticed that the volume of crying increased as the hour went on. Then, some of the older folks fell asleep and dropped their candles. So, we moved it to 6pm.

The one variance this year was the appearance of two young men serving with the Marines in Iraq and who have just returned home. They thanked the congregation for its prayer support, and encouraged us that things were doing well in Iraq, the Iraqis like us and morale is good. They received a standing ovation.

We ended the service with the traditional lights out, candle lit singing of Silent Night.

The Little Woman unfortunately had to work. Nurses, like policemen and firemen have to work and protect and serve regardless of the holiday. Thanks to all of you. Because of you, the rest of us have a Merry Christmas knowing you are there.

We did mourn the inability to go to Starbucks, as they closed at 6pm. However, we are glad all our friends there got to go home and have fun with their families.

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